Feeling Leveraged?

Leapfrog the Leveraging with us.

Emerging peer group settings offering healthier environmental, economic and social alternatives.

Some questions being asked...

∞ Do you feel your life is being leveraged/ managed at every turn?

∞ If ‘making life simple’ and leverage are supposed to work, why aren’t they?

∞ Are you tired of your industry, institution and those in charge saying one thing and doing another?

∞ Are you frustrated with large amounts of time, space and resources spent on ‘climate change’, ‘carbon credits’, ‘green washing’ and the like with little or no local, regional, let alone global, impact?

∞ Are there others aggregating from around the globe who are seeking and growing a new culture not bound by the brittle, hold-over 20th century platforms and models?

What questions do you have?

leapfrogging with Nature

We will be leaving behind the 20th century notions of how the natural world ‘should be’ administered and beta test with Nature-based thinking, deciding and acting to see what does work…

We invite all who eat into this leapfrog experience: Openly discovering how Nature’s soil-life ∞ water-cycle relationships can provide patterns we humans can mimic to improve environmental, economic and social challenges.

soils as health℠ world

Communication, along with its interactions, has taken on a new dynamic.

Healthy environmental, economic and social connections—currently reserved for the few and transmitted through humanly-contrived administrations—are now available to all.

The curated world of Soils as Health℠ is a space for the rest of us to Take A Pause℠ to see what does and doesn’t work, utilizing both the virtual and real world connections…

virtual world

Why pour more money into hold-over 20th Century information transfer/ training centers for business, education, academia, military, religion, and more, versions of human endeavors?

∞ Left — As seen in 2022 and the 1930’s, thanks to the Leveragers and their myopic tools / platforms.

∞ Right — The cumulative healing and feeding impact capability of Nature. We welcome your ongoing help in this discovery, development and delivery with more to come…

real world

First up: Agriculture (We all eat!)

The 25/40 Experience 

A working number of 25-40 acre (~16 hectares) fields with peer group discovery; including, but not limited to, interactive scientific studies, seeking and growing environmental, economic and social combinations which work and re-evaluating those that don’t…

This taking a pause℠ allows for making time, space and resources for humans to gather and observe Nature’s interaction patterns; demonstrating Nature’s cumulative feeding and healing capacity before mimicking and introducing said patterns more broadly.

The above is viewed as the first in a series of planetary-wide Leapfrog events, each using Natural Capital Unit accounting and other emerging accountability systems authenticated to Nature’s pattern alternatives emerging alongside humanly-contrived environmental, social and governance administrations.

next steps…

the soils as health℠ sensemaking to come...

learn by doing ∞ do while learning...

Pre-21st Century individual, institutional and industry rule making models may be left behind, but the leap is worth it. Today’s smartphone data saturated world calls for a modern, more flexible and effective leveling up.

We are trending to present this leveled up way of making sense in an open practice session, demonstrating with those who will join us, how real world 21st Century Sensemaking——patterned after Nature’s soil-life and water-cycle relationships—provides patterns we humans can mimic to improve our environment, our economies and our social challenges….

Gabriel Jimenez

next steps…

a leapfrog gathering

wait list

energizing the leap

Nature moves to its own sequence. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. When this natural confluence forms, you will be among the first in the know.

interdependency among equals

  1. Although being extremely charitable, no tax advantages here…
  2. Please give only what you can without burden. During this embryonic state all funds will be consumed in near real time—especially cash for tech & team.

more to come...

© 2004 – 2024 agnetic, llc all rights reserved.

Art » seeking your help with text in this whole section...

21st Century learn by doing ∞ do while learning sensemaking begins here

looping in all who eat...

Click to get your own copy from the United Nations
The Soils as Health℠ Alternative takes Nature’s soil-life and water-cycle relationships
familiar to folks everywhere and integrates them in new and exciting ways.”